How We Treat
Interested in learning about our treatment approach to chiropractic care, soft tissue treatment, functional rehabilitation, maintenance care, pediatric care or pregnancy and postpartum?
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Functional Rehab
Chiropractic Care
At CSSC, we believe that movement matters. Every part of our body has the ability to move too much or too little. Both of these situations can be detrimental to the joint structure and function. The doctors at CSSC use chiropractic adjustments as one part of their treatment to help restore and correct these movement abnormalities so proper joint function can be achieved and maintained.
Functional Rehab
Functional rehab teaches a patient how to achieve ideal movement patterns, apply them to daily movements and incorporate them into activities of performance. This application is vital in the healing process and prevention of any injury. CSSC incorporates custom rehab exercises into every patient’s treatment protocol.
Soft Tissue Treatment
At CSSC, we utilize a variety of soft tissue modalities to address the soft tissue component of your area of complaint. *Soft tissue is an umbrella term for muscle, tendon and ligament.* Techniques range from passive stretching, active stretching (aka Post Isometric Relaxation or PIR), cupping, active release therapy, to dry needling. These treatments all help to increase blood flow, decrease soft tissue tension, and aid in the overall recovery process.
What is Active Release Technique (ART) to Individuals, Athletes, and Patients?
ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Both doctors have over 10 years of experience with this technique.
What is dry needling therapy?
Dry needling therapy is an intramuscular treatment that uses thin needles (similar to acupuncture needles) with a targeted goal of increasing blood flow, releasing trigger points, and decreasing soft tissue tension in an area of complaint. This technique has the additional benefit of being able to treat deeper structures, which results in a very efficient response to care.
Pregnancy + postpartum
The growth and change that happens during and after pregnancy can place a lot of stress on a woman's joints and soft tissue. CSSC utilizes their advanced training in pregnancy and postpartum care to provide soft tissue treatment, chiropractic care, and specific rehab exercises to prevent and treat these common areas of complaint.
Both doctors are Webster Certified and have advanced training in pregnancy and postpartum rehabilitation through the Herman & Wallace Institute and BirthFit.
Pediatric Care
Lifting their head, rolling over, crawling, standing, walking, running! So many great moments to watch in the first years of your child's life. These milestones are exciting to watch and important in your child's musculoskeletal and movement development.
At each of these milestones, the structure and mechanics of your child's skeletal system is changing. They transition from living in fetal position all the way to being an upright, walking, running little one. The skeletal changes that allow all this to happen hopefully occur evenly on both sides and in an unimpeded way.
Biomechanical imbalances during these milestones can lead to muscular imbalances, delays in reaching these milestones or dysfunction causing injuries/aches/pains later on.
At CSSC, we help parents monitor their child's movement patterns and range of motion before, during and after these milestones to prevent imbalances, future injuries or weaknesses.
Maintenance Care
Just as we make regular visits to maintain our vehicle, we should invest time into maintaining our function and performance. Regular care allows patients to prevent injury and catch nagging sore spots and/or dysfunctional movements before they turn into an injury.
Maintenance care looks different for everyone. Some find that a visit every 3-6 weeks helps then perform at their best, while others find that a less frequent “tune up” suits them better. The docs at CSSC know that every patient is different and our maintenance care offerings are meant to be individualized to your needs!